Wednesday, August 13, 2008

STOP WHINING with Elliot Irving at WFLO at 10:15 am est T WFLO Richmond, VA Wednesday, August 12th

Tomorrow I'll be doing an interview with Elliot Irving at WFLO from Richmond, VA  10:15 am EST. We'll be talking about whining and "How to stop it!" 

The complaints, the causes and the cures will be explored and I'll even share some of my super secret 100% guaranteed cures. Listen in and you'll learn some new techniques plus get to visit with Elliot. He is so sweet that you'll feel like you've known him forever. 

As you can see, I'm back from the family reunion at Clearlake and it was terrific. There were about thirty of us all together and guess what? there was hardly any whining at all except for maybe at nap time. We had all six of our grandchildren with us which was so special for all of us. There was lots of jet skiing, boating and board surfing. MorMor even got wet. Now I want to buy a jet ski instead of a motorcycle. Reunions are better now that I'm The Savvy Granny and not The Mommy on 24/7 duty.

Clear Lake is definitely a NO Whine Zone. Ahsley, my beautiful, talented and amazing granddaughter, even found a small sign in Renee's Cafe that said, "Thou Shalt Not Whine." It seems everyone, even Renee, is on board for my Grandparent's Day internet campaign on Wednesday, September 3rd. 

Be sure to mark your calendar for that date and join me in helping The Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Also, let's see how far up we can get TSNW to place in the rankings at amazon and b& for that One Day 24 hr time period. 

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