Friday, June 19, 2009

Air Force Academy and Happy Birthday Barney!

114th Aviation Company Reunion and Happy "85th" Birthday to Barney Huberty!

Here we are at the magnificent and inspiring Air Force Academy with our friends from The 114th Aviation Company that served to so bravely in Vietnam. Their reunion is a wonderful chance to re-connect with old comrades and meet their families.

Of course, they share war stories but mostly just the ones that make everyone laugh. This is definitely a NO-WHINE ZONE!

Speaking of not whining, I got to help a fellow Michigander from the UP, Barney Huberty, celebrate his 85th birthday with all our friends from The Country Clubs of The World in Bountiful, Utah. I'd never been there before but you can't believe how beautiful Bountiful is!

Our hosts, Tom and Yvette Stark, welcomed all of us to a great golf tournament and a wonderful party at their amazing home.

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